15 research outputs found

    Graph-Based methodology for Multi-Scale generation of energy analysis models from IFC

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    Process digitalisation and automation is unstoppable in all industries, including construction. However, its widespread adoption, even for non-experts, demands easy-to-use tools that reduce technical requirements. BIM to BEM (Building Energy Models) workflows are a clear example, where ad-hoc prepared models are needed. This paper describes a methodology, based on graph techniques, to automate it by highly reducing the input BIM requirements found in similar approaches, being applicable to almost any IFC. This is especially relevant in retrofitting, where reality capture tools (e.g., 3D laser scanning, object recognition in drawings) are prone to create geometry clashes and other inconsistencies, posing higher challenges for automation. Another innovation presented is its multi-scale nature, efficiently addressing the surroundings impact in the energy model. The application to selected test cases has been successful and further tests are ongoing, considering a higher variety of BIM models in relation to tools and techniques used and model sizes.The authors would like to express the gratitude to the European Commission by funding the research projects BIM4REN, EPCRECAST and ENSNARE (Grant Agreement No. 820773, 893118 and 958445, respectively), under the Horizon 2020 programme, where the presented work was conducted. This manuscript reflects only the authors’ views, and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains

    Multiscale building modelling and energy simulation support tools

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    Building and district modelling (BIM, CityGML…) are key technologies for the deployment of energy efficiency strategies at building and district level, from the initial stages of planning and design to the operation and maintenance ones. These technologies allow satisfying the interoperability requirements that fa-cilitate the cooperation among the multiple stakeholders and provide the framework to develop more intelli-gent tools. This paper introduces five complementary European R&D projects in which TECNALIA is col-laborating, very good examples of innovative systems based on these concepts. MOEEBIUS enhances passive and active building elements modelling approaches enabling improved building energy performance simula-tions. HOLISTEEC focuses on building multi-physical simulations considering the neighborhood context. FASUDIR exploits the high potential of GIS tools for urban sustainability analysis and accurate building en-ergy performance evaluation. EFFESUS integrates district and building scales in historic districts. OPTEEMAL develops a platform at district level, based on an IPD approach.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680517

    Larrialdiak konpontzeko informazio teknologietan oinarritzen diren talde-entrenamendurako sistemak

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    Egoera konplexuak kudeatzeko arduradunek (larrialdi-egoerak tratatzen dituztenak adibidez), prestakuntza berezia behar dute, bakarkako eta taldeko prestakuntza barne. Azken hori taldeko entrenamenduarekin amaitzen da, normalean prozeduren egokitasuna egiaztatzen den simulakroa burutuz. Prozedurak zuzen gauza daitezen behar-beharrezkoa da aldez aurretiko prestakuntza eta parte hartzen duten gizabanako, talde eta erakundeen koordinazio-maila altua, prozesu osoa aurrera egokiro irten dadin. Nolanahi ere simulakroek hainbat murriztapen eta eragozpen dakartzate eta, ondorioz, ez dira behar bezain maiz egiten. Arazo hauen artean ondokoak aipatuko ditugu: kostu handia eta ohiko lana aldatu beharra, erakunde aldetiko zailtasunak eta errealitatea mugatuta erreproduzitzea.Zailtasun horiek gainditzeko asmoz, ETOILE1 proiektua sortu zen. Helburua da larrialdietako arduradunen trenamendu-saioen kalitatea, maiztasuna eta eraginkortasuna handitzea, baita prozeduren moldagarritasuna hobetzea ere. Entrenamendu-saioaren kostua ere murriztu egiten da. Hori lortzeko taldeko prestakuntzarako ingurune sakabanatu egokiaz hornitzen dira taldekideak. Ingurune horretan Informazio eta Ezagutza Teknologiak integratzen dira erreminta-multzo batean, esate baterako Errealitate Birtuala, Adimendun Agenteak eta Konpartituriko Adimen Ereduak. Sistema hori erabiltzea ohiko talde-ariketa praktikoen osagarri izango da. Proiektuaren parte bezala ebaluazio-plana ere garatu da, sortutako erreminta eta aplikazioen onarpen maila egiaztatzeko

    Planck-LFI 44-GHz back end module

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    This work describes the principle of operation, assembly and performance of one branch of the 44 GHz back end module (BEM) for the Planck low frequency instrument (LFI). This subsystem constitutes a fully representative branch of the qualification-model version (QM). It includes waveguide to microstrip transition, GaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (PHEMT) low noise amplifiers (LNA), bandpass filter, square-law detector and dc amplifier. The fundamentals of the design of the RF part are described and all of the components have been tested individually before integration. Using single tone and wideband noise stimuli, the output voltage has been measured for several input powers, in order to obtain the sensitivity factor of the complete BEM. The effective bandwidth and the equivalent noise temperature have been calculated from the measurements, taking into account the frequency dependence on the noise source and the BEM. Finally, the low frequency output power spectrum has been obtained and a maximum 1/f knee frequency around 200 Hz has been measured with a 3 dB output signal video bandwidth above 50 KHz.Peer Reviewe

    Very Low-Noise Differential Radiometer at 30 GHz for the PLANCK LFI

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    The PLANCK mission of the European Space Agency is devoted to produce sky maps of the cosmic microwave background radiation. The low-frequency instrument is a wide-band cryogenic microwave radiometer array operating at 30, 44, and 70 GHz. The design, test techniques, and performance of the complete differential radiometer at 30 GHz are presented. This elegant breadboard 30-GHz radiometer is composed of a front-end module (FEM) assembled at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, Cheshire, U.K., and a back-end module assembled at the Universidad de Cantabria, Cantabria, Spain, and Telecomunicacio/spl acute/, Universitat Polite/spl acute/cnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. The system noise temperature was excellent, mainly due to the very low noise performance of the FEM amplifiers, which achieved an average noise temperature of 9.4 K.Peer Reviewe

    An integrated platform for collaborative performance - efficient building design: the case of HOLISTEEC project

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    International audienceHOLISTEEC is a EU FP7 project which objective is to design, develop, and demonstrate a collaborative building design software platform, featuring advanced support for multi-criteria building optimization. Conceptual phases of the design process are the one addressed, taking into account external and neighbourhood-level influences. The platform offers, among other services, a unified IFC-compliant data model for BIM, a set of multi-physical simulation engines to evaluate the performances of the designed building at the different steps of the conceptual phases, and an open infrastructure for building design interoperability based on available standards. The design of this platform has relied and still relies on feedbacks by domain experts and on the currently adopted business models, while enabling at the same time a renewed and enhanced design process, to take current practices one step forward for an improved flexibility, effectiveness and competitiveness.This article presents the state of the works of the HOLISTEEC project to day, as well as the functional and technical details about the features offered by the platform

    Larrialdiak konpontzeko informazio teknologietan oinarritzen diren talde-entrenamendurako sistemak

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    Egoera konplexuak kudeatzeko arduradunek (larrialdi-egoerak tratatzen dituztenak adibidez), prestakuntza berezia behar dute, bakarkako eta taldeko prestakuntza barne. Azken hori taldeko entrenamenduarekin amaitzen da, normalean prozeduren egokitasuna egiaztatzen den simulakroa burutuz. Prozedurak zuzen gauza daitezen behar-beharrezkoa da aldez aurretiko prestakuntza eta parte hartzen duten gizabanako, talde eta erakundeen koordinazio-maila altua, prozesu osoa aurrera egokiro irten dadin. Nolanahi ere simulakroek hainbat murriztapen eta eragozpen dakartzate eta, ondorioz, ez dira behar bezain maiz egiten. Arazo hauen artean ondokoak aipatuko ditugu: kostu handia eta ohiko lana aldatu beharra, erakunde aldetiko zailtasunak eta errealitatea mugatuta erreproduzitzea.Zailtasun horiek gainditzeko asmoz, ETOILE1 proiektua sortu zen. Helburua da larrialdietako arduradunen trenamendu-saioen kalitatea, maiztasuna eta eraginkortasuna handitzea, baita prozeduren moldagarritasuna hobetzea ere. Entrenamendu-saioaren kostua ere murriztu egiten da. Hori lortzeko taldeko prestakuntzarako ingurune sakabanatu egokiaz hornitzen dira taldekideak. Ingurune horretan Informazio eta Ezagutza Teknologiak integratzen dira erreminta-multzo batean, esate baterako Errealitate Birtuala, Adimendun Agenteak eta Konpartituriko Adimen Ereduak. Sistema hori erabiltzea ohiko talde-ariketa praktikoen osagarri izango da. Proiektuaren parte bezala ebaluazio-plana ere garatu da, sortutako erreminta eta aplikazioen onarpen maila egiaztatzeko

    Experiencias de uso de software libre para la gestión territorial del Centro Histórico de La Habana Vieja

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    La Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (en adelante OHCH), consciente de la creciente penetración de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la sociedad pretende, mediante la implantación del sistema aquí descrito, dotar a sus numerosas entidades y también al público en general de un potente sistema de información territorial que realice una gestión integral del territorio, considerando aspectos de patrimonio histórico, medio ambiente, aspectos sociales y de calidad de vida y administrativos, entre otros y ayude en la toma de decisiones. Se ha apostado fuertemente por la utilización de software libre en las soluciones planteadas a la par que se ha mejorado la conectividad de las entidades, contando con el soporte tecnológico de LABEIN-Tecnalia

    Experiències d'ús de programari lliure per a la gestió territorial del centre històric de l'Havana Vella

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    La Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (en adelante OHCH), consciente de la creciente penetración de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la sociedad pretende, mediante la implantación del sistema aquí descrito, dotar a sus numerosas entidades y también al público en general de un potente sistema de información territorial que realice una gestión integral del territorio, considerando aspectos de patrimonio histórico, medio ambiente, aspectos sociales y de calidad de vida y administrativos, entre otros y ayude en la toma de decisiones. Se ha apostado fuertemente por la utilización de software libre en las soluciones planteadas a la par que se ha mejorado la conectividad de las entidades, contando con el soporte tecnológico de LABEIN-Tecnalia.The Office of the Historian of the City of Havana, conscious of the growing penetration of Information and Communications Technologies in society intends, through the establishment of the system described here, to endow to its numerous entities and also to the public in general of a powerful system of territorial information that an integral management of the territory carries out, considering aspects of historic heritage, the environment, social, quality of life and administrative aspects, amongst others and helps in decision making. There has been a strong commitment for the utilisation of free software in the solutions presented at par that has improved the connectivity of the entities, counting upon the technological support of LABEIN-Tecnalia.L'Oficina de l'Historiador de la Ciutat de l'Havana, conscient de la creixent penetració de les Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions a la societat, pretén mitjançant la implantació del sistema aquí descrit dotar a les seves nombroses entitats i també al públic en general d'un potent sistema d'informació territorial que faci una gestió integral del territori, considerant aspectes de patrimoni històric, medi ambient, socials, de qualitat de vida i administratius, entre d'altres, i que ajudi a la presa de decisions. S'ha apostat fortament per la utilització de programari lliure a les solucions plantejades, al mateix temps que s'ha millorat la connectivitat de les entitats comptant amb el suport tecnològic de LABEIN-Tecnalia.Peer Reviewe